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Shulka was a Master from Tenchi. He was formerly associated with the Kingdom of Altar. He was also formerly the sub leader of the Babylonian Battlegroup as well as 6th in the kingdom's kill rankings.


Like Foltesla and the other members of the Babylonian Battlegroup, Shulka cared greatly for the tians of the kingdom.


As the former sub leader of the Babylonian Battlegroup, Shulka previously held a great deal of influence of the group's activities.


Over Enchanter (超付与術師): A Superior Job from the enchanter grouping. Its stat growth is focused on MP. This job is a rearguard type focusing on using individual and wide scale buffs on allies.

  • One and All Enchanting (ワン・アンド・オール・エンチャント): A passive skill that allows the user to use individual buffs and wide scale buffs at the same time, which would normally be impossible, based on the skill specifications of buffs.


Guardian Mire, Lahmu (守護泥濘 ラフム): A Form VI Type Guardian Embryo that takes the form of a 50 metel giant made of mud. Its status is not particularly high.

  • Physical Attack Negation (物理攻撃無効): A passive skill that negates almost all physical attacks.
  • Great Guardian of Firmness — Lahmu (硬軟の大守護者ラフム): Lahmu's ultimate skill. It compresses its mud body until it achieves a hardness surpassing Mythical metals. Lahmu can compress part of its body to use as a weapon or its entire body to restrain something.

