Infinite Dendrogram Wiki

Gideon (ギデオン) is a city located in the Kingdom of Altar. It is also known as the Duel City (決闘都市).


Gideon is the second largest city in the Kingdom, and is famed throughout Infinite Dendrogram for the duels that take place there, as it possesses the largest colosseum in the Western countries. As such, the city boasts a thriving tourist trade.


The history of Gideon stretches back before the creation of the Kingdom and was active as a center for duels when the western side of the continent continued to be stuck in a state of perpetual war. The Over Gladiator of that time, Friebel Gideon was famous as a powerful warrior and declared that she would only marry a man that was stronger than her.

The founding king of Altar Azurite Altar, who had fallen in love with her, previously defeated her and Friebel became his wife, and Gideon joined the Kingdom.

Due to the defeat of The Evil that Azurite and his party accomplished, many cursed weapons were stored in Gideon, under the supervision of its Knight Order.


The city has been ruled by the Gideon family since time immemorial. The current head of that family is Aschbarray Gideon.


The city is divided into 12 districts, with an arena located in each one and the Central Colosseum in the center of the city.

The 3rd district's arena is built to have naval battles.

The 4th district has shops where tamed monsters can be bought.

The 8th district has become known as a slum in recent years, with poor security. It is also where the headquarters of the city's Thieves and Pimp Guilds are located. The headquarters of the Kingdom's second largest clan Death Period is located in the 8th arena.


  • During the invasion of the Incarnations, Gideon is the sole place housing the machines to produce the arena barriers to have not one of them destroyed.